Echowave Healthcare


The buzzword “Multichannel” has been thrown around in pharma marketing circles for a few years now and it has always irked me a little. What marketing isn’t multichannel? Exactly who are these brand managers that choose their one channel for the year and stick with it? “This year it’s just print ads for us!” “Nothing [...]

January 14, 2015

Healthcare 2015: It’s getting personal

There will probably come a time when many of us will routinely monitor, track and record an array of health metrics on a daily basis. Medicine may start to become an exercise in the manipulation of big data, where a rich record of diagnostic & lifestyle information harvested from smart devices dotted about our person [...]

August 7, 2013

Industry Transparency

There is a big debate going on in the pharmaceutical industry at the moment and it’s a ‘big data’ debate. The topic of the moment is transparency: clinical trial data transparency, regulator transparency, and transparency from marketers. In the UK, the debate has been turbo-charged by the publication of Ben Goldacre’s book, Bad Pharma. Whilst [...]

May 31, 2013

Doctors’ Online Habits- Reach v Engagement

Given the amount of resource that companies plough into websites and online initiatives these days, it is beholden on any healthcare marketer to take an interest in the browsing habits of doctors. Two recent surveys from the US have come to some similar conclusions. Manhattan Research’s regular “Taking the Pulse” survey (of 2950 practicing US [...]

April 6, 2013

Facebook Marketing: Any Role in Healthcare?

It has now been nearly a year since Facebook’s initial public offering valued the company at $104billion, and ever since the market has being trying to decide whether that figure was wise or wishful thinking.From an IPO high of $38, the company’s share price has dipped as low as $18 in September, before climbing back [...]

March 15, 2013

Healthcare Industry APPs

PME MASTERCLASS FEATURE-  APP fever seems to have gripped the healthcare industry where product managers feel somehow out-of-touch if they don’t have a phone APP in development. In this article we’ll look at reasons why you might want to develop an APP to support your product, cover some of the practical issues to consider when [...]